Grand Prize Draw 2024

Reepham Lions will be out and about during this summer and early autumn selling tickets for their annual Prize Draw.  This is one of the principal ways we raise money through the year to use to give grants to local groups, organisations and individuals.  Please buy tickets so that we can continue the good work!

Prize Draw tickets are £1 each and you could be in line for one of our cash prizes.  First prize is £250, second prize £100, plus third and fourth prizes of £50.  Look out for us on Norfolk Day (27 July in the Bircham Centre) and at Reepham Festival.  We’ll also be popping up in Reepham Market Place, at the Co-Op and anywhere else where we think we might find some willing support.

The winners will be drawn at our annual Charter Lunch on 3 November.

Raffle Tickets

If you have a project you would like us to support or are interested in getting involved, please get in touch.

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