Reepham’s first Christmas Tree Festival was a roaring success, much to the delight of Reepham Lions who organised the event. Thanks to donations and sponsorship, just over £1,000 was raised after costs: the proceeds will be divided between Reepham Lions and St Mary’s Church, Reepham. Although no headcount was taken, Reepham Lions estimate that more than 500 people visited the Festival.
The Festival featured 22 trees that were sponsored by businesses, shops, pubs and organisations from Reepham and the surrounding area. Each sponsor was provided with a tree, a set of lights and a robust stand, then invited to decorate their tree as imaginatively as possible. The use of natural and recycled materials was very much a theme for the event.
Visitors were invited to vote for their favourite tree and the winner was sponsored by Reepham’s Co-Op supermarket and decorated by members of St Mary’s Church. The decorations were all natural and featured dried fir cones, dried satsuma skins shaped like flowers, teasels and dried flowers.

Second place went to Reepham’s Florist, Flower Folk, whose tree had a lovely traditional theme with red ribbons, cinnamon sticks, fir cones and baubles. In third place was Reepham WI whose tree, entitled “Recycle, Reuse, Remake”, was decorated with repurposed materials ranging from coffee pods to toilet roll tubes.
Reepham Lions President, Barry Howes, expressed his gratitude to everyone who had been involved with the Festival. “The reaction we’ve had to this community event has been astounding”, he said. “We are so grateful to all of our sponsors and the businesses who supported us, as well as to everyone who came along to visit the Festival. We are already being asked about next year…”
Reepham Lions also want to thank all of those who have supported our fundraising campaigns throughout the year. Treasurer, Michael Black said “Despite COVID, we’ve been able to raise more than £5,000 to help local individuals and organisations this year, with our Summer Raffle, the Christmas Tree Festival and other fundraising efforts. We were also proud to organise the Norfolk Day event in July in the Bircham Centre Garden, with a fun day of activities for families. We look forward to being able to support Reepham and the surrounding area with new projects next year.”